Star Trek Talmidon The Movie

Star Trek Talmidon is my first released "movie" that is more than five minutes long.  It is in fact 24:39 minutes long, and tells the story of Fleet Captain Talmid and his crew set two years after Talmid Show 6.  While on a diplomatic mission to the planet Mavijo IV, the Talmidon III is called away to an important meeting by the fearsome Admiral Green.  Things go downward from here.

Where one voyage ends, another one always begins.

~Characters & Crew~
Fleet Captain Talmid
Captain Gary Vermong
Captain Shirley Brickfalling
Commander Dave Barker
Commander Albert Kyle
Lieutenant Brad Tylers
Ensign Jimmy Flynn
Admiral Green
Captain Silverbrick
Doctor Scones
Barney Bots (uncredited)
Popsicle Ears
Mavjio Soldiers / Minions

USS Talmidon III Refit
Mavijo Sprinter (Scout Class)
USS Repulsor (Ambassador Class)
USS Excalibur (Excalibur Class)
Admiral Green's Fleet
- USS Kosmos (Galaxy Class)
- USS Chariot (Steamrunner Class)
- USS Generations (Generations Class)
- USS Legocy (Legacy Refit Class)
- USS Emerald Fire (Akira Class)
- Unnamed Century Class
- Unnamed Excelsior Class
- Unnamed Challenger Class
- Unnamed Oberth Class
- Unnamed Cheyenne Class
- Unnamed Miranda Class x3
- Unknown ship (got lost during warp)
Mavijo Imperious Battleship
Mavijo Armageddon Battleship
Mavijo Destroyer
Mavijo Sloop
Mavijo Battlecruiser
Mavijo Bug
BSS Barney (by Thingguy2)
Shirley's Fleet
- USS Taurus (Taurus Class)
- Unnamed Executive Class x2
- Unnamed Miranda Class x4
- Unnamed Excelsior Battle Refit Class x2
- Unnamed Beetle Class Refit x2
Gary's Fleet
- USS Burlington (England Class)
- USS Canis Majoris
- Unnamed Insignia Class
- Unnamed Defiant Class x2
- Unnamed Defiance Class
- Unnamed La Nina Class
- Unnamed Curry Class
- Unnamed Cheyenne Class
Merrimack Class Aeroshuttle

~Goofs & Trivia~
- The scene where the Talmidon fires Quantum Torpedoes is reused from Talmid Show.
- All 15+ vocal characters except for thedude7500 and the Barney Bots are voiced by Talmid, SamMercury, IbuggabuggaDalien, or CCR.
- The Miranda Class exists to be blown up.
- The Mavijo ships attacking the Talmidon start out as one, then four more magically appear.
- Dave says there are four Mavjio ships attacking the fleet.  Three are seen.
- Dave's unscripted "You got it man" is heard at the beginning of the movie.
- Brad adds an unscripted "man" to his "You got it" line to make "You got it man".
- thedude7500's "tayke teh talimdon from inside" is read as "deeztroy teh talimdon from the inside".
- The USS Taurus' Bridge is a recolored Talmidon III Bridge.
- The USS Repulsor's Bridge is a recolored Talmidon III Bridge.
- The USS Burlington's Bridge changes.  It first appears in the background as a recolored FSS Quadruple P Bridge.  Later it is a concept bridge built for the Talmidon IV.
- The Mavijo Sprinter's bridge is a recolored FSS Quadruple P Bridge.
- The BSS Barney's Bridge is a recolored Talmidon III Bridge.
- The Talmidon's Battle Bridge is a recolored and heavily redressed Concept Talmidon III Bridge.
- The BSS Barney's superweapon powering up sound is a Death Star sound.
- Dave's piano sound is real.
- A chunk of the BSS Barney disappears during when it opens its mouth.
- The lever for the BSS Barney's superweapon disappears in some shots.
- Some scenes are mirrored.
- Some scenes are reused from earlier parts of the film.
- A brick disappears from the wall when Talmid steps out of the turbolift.
- Several lines are parodies of Talmid Show lines.
- Several lines are parodies of earlier lines in the film.
- Admiral Green is a pacifist.
- thedude7500 had a bad experience with calling for reinforcements, so he doesn't like thme.
- The same small yellow desert planet appears in shots all over the universe.
- Mavijo IV is Mars.
- The stars disappear in some shots.
- Doctor Scones is Captain Silverbrick's first officer and is sitting on the Talmidon's Battle Bridge.
- Dave's IRL minifig is a robber with a pick-axe.
- Gary's "Fire!" line is the "fire" from his earlier "Focus our fire on the superweapon!" line.
- thedude7500's "wat der!" line is from Talmid Show.
- SamMercury (Fireman's head, Obi Wan's hair) appears in the auditorium.
- IbuggabuggaDalien (Glasses, green space jacket) appears in the auditorium.
- Bubseylegoguy (unique smile, blonde hair) appears in the auditorium.