LEGO Creations

As you have probably realized in my introduction post, I build with Lego, though more specifically, the FREE 3-D Lego Computer Program for Windows and Macs, LEGO Digital Designer, commonly abbreviated as LDD.

Here's some sample pictures of my LDD creations.
Star Trek Fanon: USS Talmidon III Refit, flagship of Fleet Captain Talmid

Star Trek Canon: USS Prometheus

Star Trek Fanon: USS Danish

Star Wars Canon: A-Wings

Star Trek Fanon: Star Force Attack Hummer

Star Trek Canon: USS Solstice, Nova Class

Star Trek Fanon: USS Chelmsford

Star Trek Canon: USS Kosmos, Galaxy Class

Star Trek Fanon: USS Generations Battlecruiser Refit

These aren't my only LDD creations, I have many others, at least 800.  Most are Star Trek Canon and Fanon creations, others are LDD remakes of sets from the discontinued 2007-2008 LEGO Mars Mission line.  Then there are more normal stuff, like houses and cars.

Not all my creations are LDD, though.  Multiple fan-made Mars Mission creations have been built, and taken apart, by me.  Currently my building interest is cars, racing cars, exotics, sport cars, etc.

More on those later!
- Fleet Captain