Milestone: 800th Creation on the LEGO Universe Creation Lab

Last week I uploaded my 800th Creation on the LEGO Universe Creation Lab Gallery, reaching a milestone no one has ever achieved, and maintaining my rank as the user with the most creations uploaded in the LEGO Universe Creation Lab gallery, and perhaps all of

The creation, titled the USS Juggernaut, is an LDD build futuristic Star Trek-styled battleship used in a Star Trek-themed roleplay I take part in on the Creation Lab.  I represent the United Federation of Planets under the name Fleet Captain Talmid, captain of the USS Talmidon III Refit, flagship of the elite Minuteman Division in Star Fleet.  Currently I serve as representative to other galactic powers, such as the Phoenix Command Group, Minotaur Space Imperium, Martian Empire, Astro Planetary Exploration Force, and other mass-user-controlled groups.  We take part in wargames, group wars, wars against Non Person Controlled groups (Klingon Empire, Romulan Star Empire, Borg Collective, Orion Empire, etc.), and even NPC groups created by users for us to have fun with (Yor Collective, Spectre Borg, etc.).  We also have created other NPC groups for us to ally with, which are loosely controlled by our alter-characters.  In addition to that, we write stories detailing our characters and groups.

Back to the subject of my milestone.  I currently have 801 creations, but lets' focus on the USS Juggernaut.

Self explanatory picture.

Side view.  You can see the side Transphasic Mark 2/3 torpedo launchers and Pulsed Transphasic Phaser cannons.

Aft view.  You can see the hanger, and the lack of rear-facing weapons.

Three quarter view.  The deflector dish is visible, as is the lack of weapons on the underside, which is nearly completely filled with Transphasic Torpedoes.  In the front are x22 Transphasic Mark 2/3 torpedo launchers, which rapid-fire at enemy starships.  Really powerful, and really dangerous.

The Juggernaut class of starships serve mostly as blockade vessels because of their multitude of forward-firing torpedo launchers, and they serve their job well.  For defense against smaller, agile enemy scouts that like zipping around at the starship and shooting at its blind spots, this ship carries a full compliment of Star Falcon II, Star Phoenix, Star Cruiser, Star Interceptor, and Star Scout Class Star Fighters, as well as some Sky Hawk fighters too as group-leaders.  More on those Star Fighters in later posts.